× Overview Company Organization Certificates and Insurance Field of Business Network & Advantages BEPC KUMMER & PATENT SN2089 FLARE & HCB PKG MOUNTING BLOCK (HN 2425) BANYANG(SHANGHAI) INTERNATIONAL HAIPHONG PROJECT Contact Us

WIN with US
Ever since its establishment in 2019,
Winus is growing with valuable clients rapidly.


  Company Name

Winus Logico Co. Ltd.

  Company Established

February 28th, 2019


16, Chungjang-daero 9beon-gil, Jung-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea

  Branch Location

#413, Botanic Park Tower2, 213 Gonghang-daero, Gangseo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Ahn, Sang Hoon


+82 51-715-0615


+82 51-715-0614

